Tuesday, March 18, 2008

quick post cuz i don't want to do work

so tomorrow is ikebana (that's japanese flower arrangement to you philistines)! after class we get about a 45 minute break, and then it's back to school for a lesson in another of japan's traditional arts (calligraphy was the first we dabbled in). some time later in the semester we'll be learning the japanese tea ceremony and then maybe a seminar on japanese cuisine (but i might've made that last one up).
after ikebana i'll be taking a train out to fujiyoshida because my host family is having this big reunion party. kinda of scary, kind of exciting. especially since fujiyoshidans speak a dialect of japanese (as i've discovered many of the different prefectures do) which i haven't quite learned the nuances of. fortunately "dialects" here aren't nearly as distinct as the "dialects" in china, which, let's be honest, are entirely different languages. anyway, my host mom said she might not be able to pick me up from the station, so it's likely that my host dad will come instead. considering i've only met him once before for about ten minutes, kinda nervous about that, too. it should be fun! 

ahh! my final's coming up! it's kind of exciting to be done with this portion of my program, though, and to be on my way to taking bona fide academic courses here at the university. but first, next week is kyoto! i'll try and squeeze in one more post between now and then and get some pictures of ikebana and other miscellaneous events.  

1 comment:

Betina said...

I would love to see the Ikebana arrangements that you learn. Please post the pics. I hope the meeting with your host family went well.It always takes time to adapt to a new situation and people. I'm sure everything will be better with time.
Your trip to Kyoto is coming up, Yooooohooooo!!!!! Time to enjoy!
Lots of hugs